
In my eyes, St. Ignatius was…

At a young age, he was ambitious. He dreamed to be a warrior. His ideals life were ride horse with steel vest and spear in tournament, hunted with completed by duel, enjoyed the music and did hidden affairs with women, etc. Also, he was tough guy. He did surgery without anesthetic for his proud.


Broken Legs as a turning point

There was just book of the lives of the saints. And he started to read them and imagined saint’s life.

I thought he was still the same guy, with a strong character and has a big desire. The different is he changed his attentions, not about “himself”, but “God itself”.


What I am interested in..

#1. Warning

When his aunty, Maria Velasco warned him, “Inigo, you never learn to be a wise man before somebody broke your legs.”

I believe God wants something good in us, perfectly like Him. He called each of us to come to HIM but the way (lesson and time) of HIS called are differ with one another. This message made me reflect about my turning point of life when HE called me.

#2. A life of prayer, penance and fasting

……The most thing he would like to do, after he cured was went to Jerusalem, with a penance and fasting. ……”

To be honest, it is difficult to me to have discipline time for praying and fasting. When I read this message, it reminds me for just do it. It is not only for my proud that I can do it, but for God’s glory and makes myself closer with HIM.

#3. He loved to learn and share it to others

“He learned two years in Barcelona. After that, he learned more about philosophy for one and a half years in Alkala. Also, he continued to study at university in Paris.” 

Keep learning. That is what I get from this message. And what I learn is nothing if I do not share it to others.


What I want to explore more

How is the way to do it in every single day?

Do examen ..?

Write a journal …? 

I know that.

I do not want it just stay in my mind;

 or stuck in my mouth but make it happen in my daily life.




I am trying my best, dude.  



September 3.

What is happening in September 3? The answer is many things, for sure.

1. Today is my dad’s birthday. Wishing the best for him. We always love you, dad. That’s so pity, my brother didn’t “on” his Skype acc. today :(.

2. I learned a lot of things these days, and there is one word among all lessons was adaptation.

# Dry Parched Lips

That is the reason that I bought the lip therapy on last Saturday: Vaseline. I felt that my lips were parched. I felt it when I was at Doha International Airport (DIA). That’s way, I need that. I used many times in one day. Maybe the one reason is the weather.  I guessed.

#Tap Water

In 3 days, I’m drinking tap water. I can find it anywhere in our home: my room, the kitchen, maybe the bathroom. But I prefer to take it from my room and the kitchen. We don’t know it’s safe or not, but we still drink it until right now.


I learned to realize that all food that I eat is baked. It is new things because usually in my country is fried. But, yeah, still good, the taste is not bad. Just enjoy that.


Yeah, I learned to receive the “quietness”. I didn’t hear many noisy voices outside my room. But yeah, it is still okay. But I don’t want to deny, sometimes, I missed the noisy city (Jakarta).

3. Sight-seeing

Before we get the bus passes, we still prefer to walk around our house than to downtown. But we still hope that we can go go to downtown as soon as possible.

4. Programme

The programme is started today. We took dinner together with Sr. Susan, Sr. Maria and Marion. The menu are lasagna, salad, ice cream, mixed-fruit, sparkling fruit juice, and tea. Perfect! Although I didn’t eat rice all day. I guided the opening prayer before meal in Bahasa 🙂 So, lovely.

After we was washing the dishes, we started the programme. It will be started with the reflection about “Where I come from?” The questions that reminded you with your nationality, country, family, community, and especially the food. Hihihii.. After we shared many things about that, we continued to the opening prayer. And the opening song is “Here I am”. I remembered my community, Magis. Because the song is one of our song list when we choired 🙂

Miss all friends from Magis 🙂


Am I manipulate Him?

I’m very pleased to get this book as a gift. Many things that I get lessons slapped me to wake up and realize. As the following quote: “.. is to look upon prayer as a way to manipulate God, to use Him to accomplish our own desires.” Yes, I have done. I asked the Lord that He would grant all my requests. I think of God as Gods Helper that will certainly listen to what I complain and make it real. I don’t like servants who follow the teachings of his master. But I like a boss who asked his subordinates to do all she asked.

What is a prayer?
“If only we have the ears to hear, God is speaking to us in all the events of our lives and not merely in times of formal prayer.” That quotes sounds familiar to my ears. Yes, I learned it in the Magis’s Community– Ignatian’s Spirituality. Many of the things I felt when I started studying this spirituality.
This isn’t an easy thing.
Feeling that arises in my mind began to clash with each other.
I felt a sense of joy.
I felt lonely.
I felt the pain of hell.
But there is one thing that is different from the attitude I respond to that feeling.
Trying to make peace and make friends with them all. I don’t ignore it anymore as I did before.

After I struggled long enough until this moment, I realized that every experience that I feel is a prayer itself. As the following quote: “ I believe, in fact, that experience is the only proof for such realities as prayer and love. The only proof is experience.”

With a wide range of logic that exist in the head, sometimes I make a prayer life becomes stiff and tense. This attitude doesn’t look like someone who seeks for God in his life. Yes, I have to admit blackberry’s vibration reflex made me to see and respond. This seems to take more attention than taking the time to set aside time to talk to God.

The following quote I try to open up and recall before praying to God: “ The important things (in prayer) is not to think much but to love. Prayer is dialogue, it is a personal encounter in love. When we communicate with someone we care about, we speak and we listen.”
Sometimes to get close to God isn’t complicated, simply open the heart to Him and feel Him in your life experience. ”
That’s it.

Thanks a lot for Stephanie, Ricky (Polar), Andri (Lele), and Budi. Thanks be to God have pals like u all.


Menerima Ciliwung..

maGis Immersion Experiment
28 June – 3 July 2011

Sharing Pengalaman Experiment


“Ciliwung”. Satu buah kata yang saya ingat pada saat pembagian tempat eksperimen.
“Kenapa saya ga dapat bantar gebang aja ya?” ucapku dalam hati. Berharap mendapatkan bantar gebang, karena “katanya” lebih menantang eksperimennya. Bukan bermaksud milih-milih saat itu (lagi mencoba mencari pembenaran), tapi saya ingin mencari tempat live-in yang medannya ‘lebih’ dari dua tempat live-in yang pernah saya ikuti sebelumnya. “Ini hal yang wajar kok, mon. Pengen sesuatu yang lebih, kan magis (ngeles).”, berbicara kepada diri sendiri.

Sikap yang harus dihadapi pertama adalah menerima.
“Ada hal lain yang ‘mungkin’ Tuhan inginkan terjadi”, pikir saya saat itu.
“Mencari hal yang lebih dalam sebuah kesederhanaan. Walaupun saya sudah terbiasa melihat ciliwung. Tidak ada hal yang baru lagi. Tapi pasti ada sesuatu yang “lebih” lagi.”, saya mencoba untuk menyemangati diri.

Sikap menerima adalah obat yang manjur.
Banyak hal yang Tuhan ijinkan, saya temukan di ciliwung yang belum pernah saya lihat, rasakan, dan alami sebelumnya.

#1. Pertama kali ketika sampai di Ciliwung, salah seorang teman kami, Diana (Jerman) menangis melihat hal yang terjadi di Ciliwung, Ibu A yang memasak nasi dengan air sungai, ada ibu B yang sedang mencuci pakaian dengan air sungai, Ibu C yang sedang mencuci piring, dan ada juga bapak yang sedang BAB di air sungai yang sama. Mungkin bagi saya dan anda ini pemandangan yang biasa-biasa saja. Tapi bagi orang lain?

#2. Belajar bersama anak-anak, bermain bersama anak-anak (Pak Kasim), bernyanyi bersama, membuat sapu bersama teman-teman magis adalah kegiatan sederhana yang saya dan teman-teman lakukan disana. Dalam kesederhanaan tersebut, saya merasakan Tuhan dapat digapai, disentuh, dilihat, dan didengar. Ia tidak jauh, ia disekitar saya dan Anda.

#3. Salah seorang Bapak yang menjaga sanggar bercerita kepada saya tentang kebiasaan warga Ciliwung yang tidak bisa berubah. Walaupun sudah ada tempat tong sampah, sampah yang ada masih ditumpuk dan dibuang dekat pinggir sungai. Walaupun sudah ada WC umum, masih senang dengan BAB diatas rakit.
Perilaku seseorang yang menjadi kebiasaan ini sangat sulit berubah. Apa yang saya dan Anda bisa berikan mengatasi masalah ini?

#4. Salah seorang anak perempuan bercerita kepada saya bahwa ia pernah disukai oleh kakak perempuan tetangganya. Kakak itu sangat baik kepadanya. Ia dapat memberikan apa yang anak perempuan ini minta. Tetapi pada suatu malam, sebelum ia terlelap, ia menyadari ada sesuatu hal yang aneh terjadi pada kakak perempuan tersebut. Ia mencoba untuk memegang “buah dada” anak perempuan itu. Ia langsung tersentak bangun dan marah. Ia kecewa kepada kakak perempuan tersebut.

#5. Seorang ibu tua yang berumur lebih kurang 100 tahun, tergeletak tidur di atas sebuah rumah kayu. Anda harus membungkukkan badan ketika masuk kedalamnya. Ibu tua tersebut tidur dengan beralaskan selimut tipis. Ia hanya seorang pemulung gelas aqua (teringat videonya magis). Kami bercakap-cakap tentang kehidupannya, walaupun suaranya tidak jelas lagi terdengar. Ia mencoba untuk memberikan pelayanan kepada kami dengan menyuruh suaminya mempersiapkan teh dan mempersilahkan kami makan kerupuk yang tersisa di rumah tersebut.

Banyak kejadian dan peristiwa yang saya alami di Ciliwung, sebuah realita sosial yang harus dihadapi dan diterima keadaannya. Sikap menerima seperti lirik lagu “Take and Receive”, membuat saya belajar banyak hal.
Belajar untuk menghargai peristiwa-peristiwa kecil sehari-hari.
Belajar untuk mensyukuri apa yang didapatkan.
Belajar untuk menerima ketidakadilan yang terjadi pada golongan masyarakat tertentu.

Tidak semua orang bisa mendapatkan air bersih.
Tidak semua orang bisa mendapatkan kehidupan yang layak.
Tidak semua orang bisa mendapatkan perlakuan yang bermoral.

Masih banyak “PR” yang harus saya bawa pulang ke rumah setelah ikut eksperimen di Ciliwung sampai sekarang.”PR” tersebut dituntut menjadi tindakan nyata yang ditunggu pembuktiannya. Seperti kata Rm. Sandiawan di Ciliwung saat itu, “Lakukanlah”. Bagaimana dengan Anda? Siapkah Anda?

La vie est jolie.

Foto diambil dari panitia Magis Jakarta dan Google secara random.
Kemudian dibuat dalam 1 gambar oleh Monica Wibowo.


Looking for Something Deeper..

In my spare time, I sit down and reflect about my whole life.
Many questions appear in my mind..
What do u want to pursue in ur life?
What is the truly desired purpose in ur life?
I try to ask to God, “Can I achieve that, God?” “Is it too excessive?”

Suddenly, I remember about the principal and foundation (SPIEX 23).
The principal guides me to think again and differentiate between tools and purpose.

#1 Lessons Learned: Who is my creator?
In fact, I am created by someone that has great power and loves me long before I have known Him. How I can know for that? The simple things, is through my death. Everybody will die. So, the people that u interact with have equal position. But, I know the one that is different. He is the one who has given the life.
So, I start to cross-check about my purpose: to pursue my career, to be stable financially, get married (that is my mom ask me to do). But I will ask again to myself. What is ur last purpose, Monika? I thought that I had been wrongfully tried to understand about my last purpose.
When I read the principal and foundation, I know that I am a man created to praise, reverence, and serve the man that is beyond, who is GOD. That’s my last purpose.
So, my other purposes in life, exactly just other means and ways for me to reach my truly ultimate purpose.

#2. Lessons Learned: Uninhibited Attitude
Sometimes, I realize myself that I am started to be inseparable with internet, like facebook. I must open it every time I open my eyes and before I close my eyes. Like wise, handphone is just very inseparable with me. When I happen not bringing bring handphone, How careless I am! I can’t handle many things in all day.
Through SPIEX 23, I learn that u must have uninhibited attitude. So, the many things that impede me to relate to my God, I must examine one by one. So, whatever that I have done and experienced in my life, like painfulness, health, rich, poor, desire, and all of those just tools/bridge to strengthen my relationship with God.

#3. Lessons Learned: Looking for deeper and more (magis)
Choose the more! That is Magis. When u choose to act magis, it is like u choose to do more and to bring urself to the reason u were created by HIM. When I attend Magis Meeting (held once in a month), I learn about the other side that was lost from myself and I will try to take in back. Looking more for the reason why I live, I’m created, and the last.. I die.
So, when I imagine about my last day on earth, I could say.. “Good bye world, I will go the other wonderful place. And I have done ‘my job career’ in my whole life.” Looking for deeper that I have never thought before.
How about u?

Reference: http://www.nwjesuits.org/JesuitSpirituality/Exercises/SpEx021_031.html

(Mo.ok) [SheLo]


Magis Journal: Examen

Yesterday, my mind was full with negative things so I couldn’t concentrate for everything I have to do. In a short time, I tried to practice EXAMEN, which is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and to discern his direction for us.

This is a time to wait on God in the silence…..

#1. INSIGHT: Become aware of God’s presence.
I seek to be open to the spirit beyond myself.
“God, I don’t know whether I felt bad mood yesterday. I have been so disappointed of someone and I couldn’t say it to him. Come to my heart, God. Clarify my understanding, my thought, and my heart. What’s wrong with me?”

#2. THANKSGIVING: Review the day with gratitude.
I trace my experience as I move through my day. Focus on the day’s gifts. Look at the work you did, the people you interacted with.
“Yeah, I am still thankful for Your glory and blessings. I am still able to wake up, walk, breathe, and make things become precious . Thank you for giving me a break, God!”

#3. PONDERING: Pay attention to your emotions.
Reflect on the feelings you experienced during the day. In particular, I’m aware of the feelings that arise.
“Someone didn’t respect me as I wish from him. I was not existed under his nose. I didn’t know whether I was right or not. I just want to know what my mistakes are. Could You tell me, God?”

#4. NOTICING: Choose one feature of the day and pray from it.
Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to something during the day that God thinks is particularly important. It may involve a feeling—positive or negative.
This needs attention…
“Search me Lord and seek out my heart. Surround me with Your spirit and never be apart. Heal my anger, my disappointment.”

#5. TOMORROW: Look toward tomorrow.
My desires for others.. for my self.. I ask the guidance of the Spirit.
“I know You hear my pray. I believe that You never want us to be enemies each other. Lead my way, I surrender to You. Change me so I could be the blessings for others. The other chance is waiting for me tomorrow. Together with You, God, I will make something bigger *crossfinger* 😀 “

Source: http://ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-examen/; http://www.clcaustralia.org.au

(Mo.ok) [.Pel.]


Thank You Lord For Greatfull Chance (2)

Jakarta, 20-08-2008

After having the Magis Journey, I have continued my journey from July 12- 14 2008 for Ignatian gathering, and July 15- 20 2008 for World Youth Day 08. From this two event, they are several things that I have learned. The first thing is I can give more respect to the differences which are created by God. Here I mean that complexion, languages, art and culture from many countries around the world and very beautiful. It is due to the fact that the variety of differences can cause the beauty. Therefore, the beauty is shown by the God creatures.

Another thing is I have to be more patient as a pilgrim. It means that I have to be more calm in order to accept the situation that I have had Ignatian Gathering and World Youth Day (WYD). For example, at the first day I have tried to accept the main food (bread), in which I actually don’t like to eat the food continually. Then, I have also tried to reduce my complain about everyhtings which has taken place since the event.

The last thing is I start to love my own art and culture. During my twenty year life, I have never thought about the culture. However, when I follow this event I become more enjoyable to think and talk about my own culture. Since that time, my eyes become more open about Indonesian culture because every person that I have seen give fully attention to his/her own culture. Therefore, now I give more respect and attention to learn and share my culture.

Finally, I’m very thankfull to God because I have joined Magis as one of the activities in my life. Then, I also thank the committee who have been very difficult to hold and prepare this event. Also, I want to show my gratitude for new friends since I become more happy to know and experience certain things with you.
La vie est jolie

(Mo.ok) [SheLo]


Thank You Lord for Greatfull Chance (1)

Jakarta, 20-08-2008

For the past six months, I have felt the emptiness in my heart. Also, my daily activities have run commonly yet I still think that there is loosing piece in my life. As I pass my days, I have found a new chapter in my life. It is due to the fact that I have entered a new event which makes me find a new whole world, Magis.

Magis is the desire and inspiration for us to seak more, to be more, to let go or what hold us back (Magis08- Pilgrim Journal). It was held on July 3-11 2008. Then, after entering the Magis, I have got new
things such as Ignatian Spirituality, social analysis of the environment and society, the life of slum area, and build the relationship among other people from other countries (Taiwan and Germany).

Moreover, I have learned that reflection is very important for myself to remind me how beautiful the life is and to give thanks to God for this life. This reflection has ever lost from my life for about six months although I have known that it is necessary in passing my life. As a result, after joining the Magis, I realize that I have become a new person whom has experienced the resurrection. Therefore, I have to be used to with the reflection because I can give more respect and enjoy my daily life.

By having Magis, I have also learned another way to converse with God. Based on this way, I have realized that praying doesn’t only mean to close my eyes and to get intouch with God but also to communicate with God by applying every activity that I have done. For example, walking around my environment, giving smile to other people that I have never known before, playing with children, and so on.

Another that I have learned form this activity is to make my self more focus on present time. On the other hand, before following the activity, I’m usually worried about my future so that I can not pay fully attention to my daily life. With this change, I can enjoy passing my life for this time. Beside that, now, I do not need to think my future seriously because I have to pass my life as the time goes on.

Still another reflection is parable that my friend has told me well we had been on the way at the last day of Magis. From this parable, I have also get something which is very valuable for my life. On that way, she said that, “ We were like a glass. When we look for God grace seriously, the glass can be full of abundant water. In countrary, when we do not look for the God grace from our deepest heart, the glass can not be entirely full of water.” In other words, the glass which is full of abundant water means we as human can share something with other people without asking back what we have done for them because we are full of the God grace. Yet, the glass which is not entirely full of water, refers to we as human can ask something back when we share everything with other people.

Beside that, I have also learned that I have to care not only my self but also other people who live around me. Then, I have to start loving and seeing my surrounding environment with my eyes. After that, my deepest feeling slightly nudged with the living condition of people who are not as luck as mine. In other words, it is poverty that I have seen when I joined the Magis experiment. Therefore, the first step that I can do for this time is volunteer for them.


(Mo.ok) [SheLo]