


to the fragile feelings, not to the clashing fury..

to the quiet sounds, not to the loud clamour..

to the steady heartbeat, not to the noisy confusion..

to the hidden voices, not to the obvious chatter..

to the deep harmonies, not to the surface discord..

-Jim Cotter



We must make space in our lives

for quiet gentle times,

to remind us that all is gift,

and blessing flows through our lives

as we expect and recognise it woven in our heartbeats.

-Edwina Gately



Holy Island

That’s the history from the website (Lindisfarne.org.uk):

Why Holy Island?

Lindisfarne was the name given to the Island by the first Anglo-Saxons to live here, and we do not know the meaning of the word. But the monks of Durham, after the Norman conquest, added the words Holy Island. When they looked back over the story which began with the coming of Saint Aidan and the building of the first monastery in 635AD, continued with the ministry of the “very popular” Saint Cuthbert. And then it received a staggering blow from the Viking attack in 793. Both to the Durham monks who died as Christian martyrs in this pagan attack and the earlier saints made the Island was deservedly named “holy.”

Source: http://www.lindisfarne.org.uk/general/1relhist.htm


It’s really fantastic…





Peace is the outcome.

This story dedicated to my friend who is going to visit the UK soon 🙂

Hope you have a lovely holiday!Image


St Cuthbert Island

I feel it..

I feel it..


When I look to the cross.


“Even if I could possibly hide myself in a tiny dwelling on a rock, where the waves of the swelling ocean surrounded me on all sides, and shut me in equally from the sight and knowledge of men, not even thus should I consider myself to be free from the snares of a deceptive world: but even there I should fear lest the love of wealth should tempt me and somehow or other snatch me away – St Cuthbert, Bede’s Life”

Source: http://stcuthbertsfinaljourney.com/category/quotes/